Evening Channeled Gatherings
Join me and amazing channel Lisa Fullbright Cossey
for monthly Evening Gatherings of Wisdom, Guidance & Healing
In Stroud Gloucestershire UK
Stroud Last Thursday Evening Each Month
Lisa Fullbright Cossey Channels
The Elder Selves &
Native Shamanic Elders
Q & A's
Healing Power of 8+
Dreaming in....
Doors open 7pm
7.15 - 9.45pm
Stroud Old Town Hall, The Shambles
£15 on the door
£5 discount when you bring a friend
Event Recording sent to you after, also available if you are unable to attend
If you are interested in finding out much more about your spiritual journey and personal awakening then this is the place to come! We also discuss the awakening of humanity and many exciting topics on how we can all raise our consciousness and create the lives we dream of. There is a medative section with guided processes in Ginas group and personal Healing for each member of the group with LIsa.
We would love you to join us and the Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters who channel great wisdom, guidance and incredible energy healing at our evening events. They also share so much love and have a great sense of fun.
We have one Bristol group and one group gathering in Stroud. You are welcome to come to any or both of them, or to swap as convenient! Gina and the Star Beings she channels gather on the Second Thursday of each month.
We also meet in Stroud on the last Thursday of the month with Lisa and The Elder Selves. This group started in January 2018 and is now a large gathering of 30+ people. I sense it will grow larger as word is spreading!
We extend a very warm welcome to everyone who would like to join us.... we are loving building local like minded and like hearted community.
Here is a link to a recording taken at one of last years evenings with Lisa and The Elder Selves.... to give you a taster of just what we experience...