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This website predominantly brings evolutionary wisdom from a very dear cosmic friend of mine lovingly known by many around the world as 'Zac' or Zacharia.

Zac introduced himself to me in 2010 as he channelled his consciousness through my incredible friend and colleague Janet Treloar. Initially he said he had come through as a 'Guide for the future' he later shared that he is an aspect of the Ascended Master Djwal Khul, often known as the Tibetan. Zac had a much loved life on Earth as Zacharia in Syria, which he has very fond memories of and so he brings his very approachable and humorous personality to our regular twice monthly conversations. 

Zac is quite the cosmic DJ and has great fun creating a monthly meditation for our patrons, by choosing the background music as Janet listens to many many tracks... then in just one take he masterfully aligns the words and music to perfection.

The exquisite meditations often contain healing energies and gentle activations to assist us on our evalatory journey. 

Zac has created a new word... a combination of Evolution and Elevation = Evalation!

You will hear him use it all the time and maybe even hear others use it... and you know where it was originally sourced!

Hazel Newton

A Portal for Evolutionary Wisdom

Together we are Ascending in Consciousness

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During this huge shift in consciousness and ongoing transition into Aquarius all our current offerings with our beloved cosmic friend and guide for the future 'Zac' are online. I will keep you up to date in my newsletter of upcoming live and online events as soon as they are available!

Our Patreon Site hosts all of the  Zac Chats, Deep Dives, Meditations and Epiphany Talks with Zac and our expert guests, who were simply amazing filling in when Janet was recovering from her illness in 2023.


Deep Dives with Zac are either Q&A format or he takes us into his Cosmic Classroom for extraordinary teachings and guidance for our ascension journey.

A firm favourite amongst patrons are Zac's incredible meditations, which often include energetic healing energy or beneficial activations. We have 50+ meditations in the Library for all of our patrons to access immediately. While Janet has been recovering she has merged with Zacs energy to record these bliss inducing meditations which are  hugely appreciated and deeply loved by all.

The free Patreon App is also excellent to install on your mobile for when you are on the move... 

Sign up for my once a month newsletters and listen/watch free and membership conversations with Zac on:

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We get off to a huge cosmic big bang with our launch of our 'Epiphany Talks with Zac' with world loved Master Astrologer Pam Gregory,
a true icon and so much more than an astrologer!

Tune in here to their first revelatory and 'evalatory' conversation... is simply out of this world!! 
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'The Universe Always Looks After You'  A Dialogue with Zac

Janet, Zac & Stewart Pearce

You Tube      Or Facebook

Stewart invited Janet back following her own conversation

with Stewart to channel Zac on Nov 1st 2021

Visit Janet's website and sign up for her newsletter here

Contact Janet for information on Channeling Courses and 'Extravaganza Retreats' with Zac. Email Janet

Janet had a delightful time chatting with legendary Stewart Pearce on a recent Deep Dialogue, so for those of you who are eager to find out a bit more about Janet herself, do tune in to her lively discussion with Stewart.


Free Guided Meditation ~ from me to assist you in your ascension journey, raise your vibration, boost your immune system and dream in the world you desire....

We are co-creating our 5D world collaboratively... what a powerful transformation we are transitioning through... please stay in your heart, trust in the big picture and your higher-selfs plan, hold your highest vibration and connect with your soul brothers and sisters.....


With great love Hazel

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Janet and I co-creating our Patreon conversations and having fun with Zac!!

Dreaming in the most
Beautiful & Harmonious World
that our hearts can possibly imagine

  Co-Creating with LOVE

Hazel Newton

Evolution Coach, Event Organiser

& Friend of Zac

Mother & Grandmother

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